Pr. Ismael Saadoune

Mr Ismael SAADOUNE, Full Professor at Mohammed VI Polytechnic University, was graduated from the University of Bordeaux, France (French PhD, 1992) and the University Cadi Ayyad UCA-Marrakech, Morocco (Moroccan PhD, 1996). These Two PhDs were in Material Science with the specific research topic ‘Active Materials for Lithium and Sodium-ion Batteries’.  In 2002, He created the Laboratory of Materials and Environmental Chemistry. More than 100 graduate and 40 Master students were hosted in his Lab. 25 PhD Students have been under his supervision, all of them are now involved in the Industry or in research laboratories. He is the principal investigator of 19 national and 23 international research funded projects on Battery Materials. He was involved in two European Master ERASMUS MUNDUS: ‘Materials for Energy Storage and Conversion’ and ‘Functionalized Advanced Materials and Engineering’. 

Prof Ismael Saadoune is actually member of the Moroccan Association on Analytical Chemistry  for sustainable development  where is responsible for the development of green chemistry for the development of active materials for Lithium-ion Batteries for application of renewable energy storage and electrical mobility.

Prof SAADOUNE was invited in many prestigious universities/research centers (Uppsala University, Sweden; KIT, Germany; ICMM Spain). He has authored/co-authored over 160 articles, conference papers, and project reports.


ORCID ID: 0000-0003-1322-361X

Speaker Details
  • Profession
    Professeur d'Enseignement Supérieur
  • Company
    Université Polytechnique de Benguerir, Maroc
Speaker Details
  • Profession
    Professeur d'Enseignement Supérieur
  • Company
    Université Polytechnique de Benguerir, Maroc